5 Simple Exercises to Boost Energy in the Morning

Starting your day with a bit of exercise can do wonders for your energy levels. Here are five simple movements you can try:

  1. Stretching: Stretching your arms and legs as soon as you wake up helps to loosen muscles and increase blood flow.
  2. Seated Twist: While sitting, twist your torso gently to each side. This opens up the spine and relieves stiffness.
  3. March in Place: Lift your knees high and swing your arms for 1-2 minutes. It’s great for circulation.
  4. Chair Pose: Mimic the motion of sitting in a chair. This strengthens your legs and core.
  5. Neck Rolls: Gently roll your head in a circular motion to release tension in your neck.

Doing these exercises takes only five minutes, but the energy boost will last you much longer.

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